This prayer is written by The Friends' Convener, Andrew McLellan

Dear Christ
We have heard of you as Christ in the manger. Born into a world of soldiers and poverty. Born of Mary, her beloved one. Born to seek and to save the lost. Christ in the manger, we have heard how God so loved the world.
We have heard of you as Christ on the cross. Dying at the hands of cruel men, staggering to your cross under the weight of the world’s pain, dying with a word of forgiveness on your lips. Christ on the cross, we have heard that you loved us and gave yourself for us.
Now we hear of you as Christ in the rubble. Christmas is your presence with those who suffer. Where else would you be born today other than in the rubble of Gaza, where else but in the operating theatre? Christ in the rubble, we pray for those with you in the rubble, with you in the blood, with you in the tears.
And now we hear of you again as the risen Christ, the Christ of Easter. Show us your wounded hands. May your risen, wounded hands bring healing to your wounded, broken world. We pray in your name for your people of Gaza, using your Easter words “Peace be with you.” Let there be peace. Let it be now.