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Parents Circle Families Forum awarded the World Freedom Prize for 2024.

The Friends are delighted to acknowledge this well-deserved award to an organisation they continue to support.

The PL Foundation from Copenhagen awards the Palestinian-Israeli Bereaved Families Forum the World Freedom Prize for the year 2024.

Forum members Bassam Aramin and Rami El Hanan received the award in the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen, saying: We are happy and proud of the award the forum received.

Read what Anders Jerichow and Eva Maria Lassen from the PL foundation chose to say about us in their Motivation speech:

We are convinced that Parents Circle is right when it maintains that there will be no peace through more violence and never Peace if one people will rule the other. The losses that Bassam and Rami have suffered are unbearable. And even more important: the losses are - as those we read about in the media these months - not necessary. We hope that Parents Circle will not have more members, but with this award we would like to honor the work that Bassam and Rami's network in the Parents Circle does to remind their communities – the Palestinian and the Israeli – of a prospect that does not get the most headlines and certainly does not have a large credibility in their societies today:

The prospect of peace. Parents Circle reminds us that reconciliation is an act of the will. That cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis is possible. And that peace must necessarily be based on mutual respect and equal rights. Unfortunately, the recent events in Israel and Gaza have only weakened popular confidence in reconciliation and both the belief in -- and the expectation of -- anything as exotic as peace.

Bassam and Rami: some see you as simple-minded hippies, and maybe you are. Some call you traitors to your own people. Some accuse you of supporting terror. What an insult. Bassam, Rami and Parents Circle offer hope - hope that the conflict can end. We would like to honor Parents Circle with the PL Price for a unique, immensely encouraging and truly brave effort.”


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