approved at the Annual General Meeting of
The Friends of St Andrew’s Jerusalem & Tiberias
on the 9th September 2022
Historical Notes
Following thirteen years of fundraising and construction, on Easter Sunday 1930 St Andrew’s Church and Hospice Jerusalem was dedicated as a Memorial to Scots who gave their lives in Palestine in World War 1.
In the Minute of its meeting of the 8th December 1955, the “Committee on the Scots Memorial, Jerusalem (St Andrew’s Church and Hospice) ”considered “ways and means of arousing interest in the Memorial and securing support for it”. Possible support could come from Scots communities abroad, Rotary Clubs, Scottish Regiments and other units of the armed forces, to form a Friends of St Andrew’s Jerusalem Society.
This proposal was agreed and the Committee finally approved the Constitution in October 1956. The inaugural meeting of the Friends of St Andrew’s Jerusalem Society took place in the Martin Hall of New College, Edinburgh, on the 29th May 1957.
In 1964 the Committee, which had been established in 1919 by the General Assembly to “construct and manage the Memorial” was subsumed into the Church of Scotland’s Overseas Council, subsequently the World Mission Council. Due to re-organisation of the Committee structure of the Church of Scotland, this document simply refers to it as the Church of Scotland.
1. Name
The name is “The Friends of St Andrew’s Jerusalem & Tiberias”.
2. Objects
The Friends will have for its objects:
2.1 To co-operate with the Church of Scotland in:
2.1.1 Exercising constant care for St Andrew’s Jerusalem and Tiberias.
2.1.2 Maintaining St Andrew’s Church, Jerusalem and the Guesthouse as a centre for visitors and pilgrims, simultaneously remembering its importance as a National Memorial to Scots who gave their lives in Palestine and the Middle East.
2.2 To provide gifts for St Andrew’s Jerusalem and Tiberias to supplement normal funding from the Church of Scotland.
2.3 To provide scholarships to theology students, ministers and others recognised by the Church of Scotland, to enable them to travel and study in the Holy Land.
2.4 Through the appointed Ministers, to keep in touch with and support the Ministry of St Andrew’s Jerusalem and Tiberias and encourage them in their work.
2.5 To maintain the interest of those who have visited St Andrew’s Jerusalem and Tiberias and, in cooperation with the Church of Scotland, to actively encourage the interest of others by informing them of the purpose, work and potential of its Ministry.
2.6 By funding, ensure that a Saltire Flag is always available to fly from St Andrew’s Jerusalem and Tiberias.
2.7 To arrange an annual service in Scotland on or near to St Andrew’s Day.
2.8 To pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
3. Membership
3.1 Full membership of The Friends shall be open to individuals who are interested in furthering the work of The Friends and who have paid the annual subscription as laid down from time to time.
3.2 Associate membership will be open to congregations (particularly those of all Christian denominations named after the Patron Saint of Scotland), Kirk Sessions, Guilds, St Andrew’s Societies in Scotland and abroad, units and garrison churches of the three armed services. Each associate member will be entitled to appoint one individual person to represent it and vote on its behalf
at General Meetings of The Friends.
4. Subscriptions
4.1 The rates of subscription for membership will be fixed annually at the Annual General Meeting and published in The Friends’ Newsletter.
4.2 The subscription year will be the financial year.
5. Office-Bearers
5.1 At the Annual General meeting The Friends will from time to time appoint, from amongst their membership:
5.1.1 Convener
5.1.2 Vice Convener
5.1.3 Secretary
5.1.4 Membership Secretary
5.1.5 Minutes Secretary
5.1.6 Treasurer
5.2 The term of office for:
5.2.1 The Convener and Vice Convener will be three years. Both Convener and Vice Convener may be nominated and elected for the following three years.
5.2.2 Other office-bearers will be three years but eligible for re-election.
6. Structure of the Administrative Committee
6.1 The affairs of The Friends will be managed by an Administrative Committee. The Administrative Committee membership will consist of:
6.1.1 Convener
6.1.2 Vice Convener
6.1.3 Secretary
6.1.4 Membership Secretary
6.1.5 Minutes Secretary
6.1.6 A minimum of five Friends. Their tenure is three years but will be eligible for re-election at the AGM.
6.1.7 One ex-officio representative from the secretariat at the Church of Scotland.
6.1.8 An ex-officio member or former member of the armed forces.
6.1.9 One ex-officio representative from the Church of Scotland Finance department who acts as Treasurer.
6.2 Frequency of Meetings. The Administrative Committee will meet a minimum of three times
a year.
6.3 Quorum. The quorum for Administrative Committee meetings shall be three, including those present and online.
6.4 Sub-committees. The Administrative Committee has the authority to form sub-committees as necessary.
6.5 In the event of a vacancy arising, it will be open to the Administrative Committee to appoint an office bearer on an Acting basis until the next AGM. It will also be open to the Administrative Committee to co-opt an additional member or members until the next AGM.
7. Meetings of The Friends
7.1 The Friends will meet for an Annual General Meeting.
7.2 Notice. Due notice of the AGM or other General Meetings will be given to full members of The Friends and to the appointed representatives of associate members.
7.3 AGM Business. The AGM business will include the election of office-bearers; the election of full members to serve on the Administrative Committee; consideration of an annual report of the work done by or under the auspices of The Friends; setting the level of the annual subscription; approval of the annual accounts and budget; and any other business.
7.4 Quorum. The quorum at the Annual General or General Meetings will be 10, to include members present online as well as in person.
7.5 While those interested in the work of The Friends are welcome to attend its AGM, only
those who are paid-up members of The Friends before the start of the meeting are eligible to
be nominated, to nominate, or to vote on any matter. Members attending the AGM online
have the same rights re voting etc as those attending in person.
8. Finance
8.1 All money received by The Friends shall be transferred to the General Treasurer of the Church of Scotland who will maintain The
Friends’ accounts.
8.2 The financial year of The Friends will be
from 1st April to 31st March in each year.
8.3 The Treasurer shall report regularly to the Administrative Committee and shall submit annual reports to the AGM.
9. Co-operation
The Friends shall work in close co-operation with the Church of Scotland under the authority of the General Assembly. The Friends will expect the Church of Scotland:
9.1 To keep The Friends informed of all significant happenings in connection with St Andrew’s Jerusalem and Tiberias.
9.2 To be receptive to considering suggestions and proposals submitted by The Friends.
10. Alterations to the Constitution
10.1 Any alterations to this Constitution will require the approval of:
10.1.1 The Faith Impact Forum, or its successor, of the Church of Scotland, and
10.1.2 Two-thirds majority of members attending and voting at an Annual General Meeting. In such a vote, votes by proxy will not be permissible.
10.2 Notice of any proposed alteration must be given to members in the notice calling the
Annual General Meeting.
11. Dissolution
11.1 If The Friends decides, by a simple majority at a General Meeting called for the purpose, to
terminate its activities and dissolve the organisation, any assets remaining will be given either to the
Church of Scotland or to such other charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to the
objects of The Friends, as decided by those members present at this Special General Meeting.
11.2 In such a vote, votes by proxy shall not be permissible.